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1. Login to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard: 2. Access User Management:
  • In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Users" on the left-hand menu. This will open the user management page.
3. Locate the User:
  • Find and select the user account that you want to delete. Click on the username to open the user profile.
4. Edit the User:
  • On the user profile page, you'll see various user details and settings. At the top right corner of the page, you should see an option that says "Delete." Click on it.
5. Confirm Deletion:
  • WordPress will ask you to confirm the deletion. You may be asked to enter your password for security purposes. Confirm that you want to delete the user account.
6. Delete or Reassign Content (Optional):
  • WordPress will give you the option to delete the user's content (e.g., posts, pages) or reassign it to another user. Choose the option that suits your needs.
7. Confirm Deletion Again:
  • After making your choice, confirm the deletion one more time. Be sure you're certain because deleting a user account is irreversible.
8. Account Deletion Completed:
  • Once you confirm, WordPress will delete the user account and any associated content according to your selection.
Please note that the specific steps and options may vary depending on your WordPress version and any plugins or themes you have installed. Additionally, if you're using a membership or user management plugin, you may need to refer to its documentation for specific instructions. Always exercise caution when deleting user accounts, especially if they have authored content on your site, as their content will be deleted unless you choose to reassign it to another user. Make sure to have backups of your website data before making significant changes.
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